Rucksters ROX Japan CON 2013
Organize : Rucksters, Tokyo-Parts, scr_works
Date : 2013年 3月10日
Place : 江戸崎農業公園ポティロンの森 茨城県稲敷市上君山2060-1
Start : 10:00 Close : 15:30
Fee : 4000円/1台
Regulation : All Scooter スクーターであれば国産、外車、排気量、車種問いません
Prize : アワードはRucksters Choice, Motochamp's Choice, People's Choice の3本を予定しており、各アワードにはスポンサーであるRucksters, Alpinestars, Tokyo-Parts, Rat-Koubou, scr_worksより副賞を用意しております。その他エントリー全員にRuckstersデザイン、製作のCON記念Tシャツ、ステッカー、そしてエントリー全員参加のラッフルにて各スポンサーよりの景品GETのチャンスも!
Media : RAFU SHIMPO, USDM, FREAX, Moto-Champ が、CONをカバレージします。
About Entry : ☆お名前 ☆クラブ(ショップ)名 ☆年齢 ☆ご住所 ☆電話番号 ☆車種 ☆ご連絡先のメールアドレス 以上を、エントリー手続き担当のscr_works アドレス 迄メールにてご連絡下さい。折り返しエントリー詳細を担当者よりご連絡させて頂きます。エントリー締め切りは2月19日となります。
他ご質問等御座いましたら、 迄お問い合わせ下さいね。
So get your scooters ready, because this is going to be BIG. Stay tuned!
From the start, Rucksters has always looked to Japan for inspiration and guidance for our own creative juices. They are with no doubt the innovators of all things scooter. Cornering every element of the scooter world with their visionary thinking and ingenuity. No one in the Ruckus community can deny where the roots of this scene came from. Without them, we would not be where we are today. With that being said, it would be only wise of us to pay our respect to the pioneers and the people that started it all.
“It has to start somewhere
It has to start sometime
What better place than here
What better time than now”
With no further to do, we are very excited to announce the first ever ZOOMER CON in Japan. On behalf of Sekizawa Yoshifumi’s consent, Rucksters will be hosting the event near Tokyo Parts in Ryugasaki-shi on Sunday March 10th. Our manager Hai Truong and Makoto Kikuchi from SCR Works started planning the event since November. Just a few more details to lock down and the itinerary will be complete. Stay Tuned!!!
From the start, Rucksters has always looked to Japan for inspiration and guidance for our own creative juices. They are with no doubt the innovators of all things scooter. Cornering every element of the scooter world with their visionary thinking and ingenuity. No one in the Ruckus community can deny where the roots of this scene came from. Without them, we would not be where we are today. With that being said, it would be only wise of us to pay our respect to the pioneers and the people that started it all.
“It has to start somewhere
It has to start sometime
What better place than here
What better time than now”
With no further to do, we are very excited to announce the first ever ZOOMER CON in Japan. On behalf of Sekizawa Yoshifumi’s consent, Rucksters will be hosting the event near Tokyo Parts in Ryugasaki-shi on Sunday March 10th. Our manager Hai Truong and Makoto Kikuchi from SCR Works started planning the event since November. Just a few more details to lock down and the itinerary will be complete. Stay Tuned!!!
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