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バイオグラフィー オブ RUCKSTERS
トニー(オーナー)は、三兄弟の末っ子で、カリフォルニアポリポモナより経営学の学位を取得。在学中、コヴィナでも まだ数少なかった輸入車のボディショップ「Xtreme Auto Body」でも勤務していた。
彼のそんな音楽人生は、三男 トニーと協力し玩具販売のネットビジネスを設立することによって、大きな転機を迎えることとなる。彼は、元々備わっていた几帳面な性格と緻密な管理能力のお陰で、マネージメントのトレーニングをほとんど受けずに済んだ。最近では、セールス、カスタマーサービス、ウェブサイト、在庫管理、出入荷、PR、研究開発、企画、写真撮影そしてアートディレクターの分野に至るまで、多岐に渡るマネージメントを行っている。
2008年春、トニーは中古のHONDA RUCKUSをクレイグスリストの広告を見て購入。これは彼の当時の友人達に誘われてのことだったのだが、結果としてこれが全ての始まりとなった。
先ず二人は玩具の在庫を売り払い、その資金で日本と台湾からRUCKUSのカスタムパーツを輸入し始めた。そして、長男のソニーがビジネス加わったのだ。それはまさに、 三人のビジネス開拓にとって千載一遇のチャンスとなった。
2008年12月、彼らのショップは新装開店を迎え、新しいウェブサイ ト:rucksters.comも立ち上げた。この日、アメリカ初のホンダラッカスに特化したカスタムショップが誕生した。
Rucksters Staff:
Tony (owner) is the youngest of the 3 brothers. He received a Business degree from Cal Poly Pomona while working at Xtreme Auto Body in Covina, one of the premiere body shops in the import car scene at the time. While studying business administration, he was able to learn quite a few skills in the auto body industry. By year two, the owner had given him the freedom to build their client’s show cars from start to finish. This gave him the opportunity to learn the process of design, fabrication, and execution. The set of skills he learned during this time were both inspiring and integral to the birth of his future company.
Hai (manager) is the 2nd eldest. He received his Music Composition degree from Cal State Fullerton while teaching guitar at a private music school in Upland. He studied music for 10 years and has been playing guitar for more than 20 years. His long musical journey took a turn when he joined forces with Tony and started up their first business, an online toy store. With his meticulous nature and organizational skills, he was able to handle the manager position with very minimal training. Nowadays, he is responsible for multiple management tasks, such as sales, customer service, website, inventory, shipping & receiving, public relations, research & development, planning, photography and artistic director.
Sonny (shop foreman) is the oldest brother. He received his Honda Mechanics degree from Rio Hondo College and worked in the automotive industry for 15 years. He is a professionally trained Honda mechanic with real world experience. His 10 years at Carmax allowed him to work on all brands of cars, from domestic cars to import cars, small cars to full size trucks. His departure from the automotive world was caused by a back injury at work. After his rehabilitation, he decided to join his brothers on their new business venture and resign from his position from Carmax. With his skills and natural mechanical ability, Sonny learned how to weld, fabricate, design, and build custom scooters with ease. With his pro background, he was appointed shop foreman and engine specialist.
In the spring of 2008, Tony purchased a used Honda Ruckus from an ad on Craigslist. Some of his friends at the time had just got into the scene and wanted Tony to join in on the fun. So he did, and that is where the story begins.
In the spring of 2008, Tony purchased a used Honda Ruckus from an ad on Craigslist. Some of his friends at the time had just got into the scene and wanted Tony to join in on the fun. So he did, and that is where the story begins.
Tony & Hai at the time was running an online toy company for 3 years. They learned the “how to” of doing business online and were quite successful at it. Little did they know how life changing the next 9 months would be, their business took a turn with perfect timing. They decided to liquidate the inventory of toys and started importing Ruckus parts from Japan and Taiwan. Their oldest brother Sonny joined the team and thus creating the perfect storm at the perfect time and place. A new website rucksters.com was launched on the same day of the shop’s Grand Opening in Dec. of 2008, becoming the first custom shop in America to specialize in the Honda Ruckus. The rest is history.
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